What an incredible day! We landed this morning just before 7am, met Daniel our guide, and got right on the road. Our first stop was the 9/11 Memorial in Jerusalem. It’s so beautiful and touching. Every American who was killed on that horrific day is represented permanently by name. We lit candles and took time to contemplate that awful time and how much all of our lives have changed since then.
We then headed to the Mount of Olives to take in the view of Jerusalem. It’s a breathtaking sight and are now feeling the spirit of Jerusalem as we appreciate the gift of being in this holy place.
We then entered the holy city and walked the Stations of the Cross.The following account of that experience is retold by Juan, a veteran from the Iraq war who hails from Providence, Rhode Island:
“When we went upstairs to the 11th and 12th stations, I knelt down and felt a strange sensation throughout my body and tears filled my eyes. Then when we went to the 13th station where Jesus was cleaned and purified, I placed my left hand on top and felt vibrations going through me. I tried in three different places within two square feet and felt the same thing. Just going through all that I felt an overall rejuvenation and I feel like my belief increased from what it was. I was a strong Roman Catholic before and this further cemented my belief.”
Tomorrow we’ll be visiting the Christian and Jewish Quarters of the Old City. We will also be visiting Israeli soldiers who were wounded in the recent conflict. We’re looking to share this experience with you!